IMPULSE BUY by Stewart Auty
CAST: Speaking parts: 4 MALE, 3 FEMALE
Non-speaking: Any number of criminal gang members, any age, male or female.
SET: One interior, living room.
TECHNICAL: Basic indoor lighting, some sound effects.
APPROX. RUNNING TIME: I hr 30 minutes without interval.
PRICE OF KINDLE VERSION: £4 (only available through Amazon. Links below.)
Dorothy Berry is surprised to learn that her husband, Wilfred, has impulsively bought a house and all its contents, with a view to reselling and making some money. However, when they arrive at the house, they discover that a ‘lifelong sitting tenant’ – a Mrs Henderson, housekeeper of the deceased owner, is in residence. There is also a gardener, a vintage Rolls Royce in the garage and some fine antiques. Dorothy Berry, after her initial annoyance at her husband making a deal behind her back, begins to relish the thought of making some quick money from the house contents.
However, Mrs Henderson has not told them that some undercover policemen (or so she thinks) are also in residence, supposedly spying on the neighbours. She has been sworn to secrecy and thinks that the policemen are on a genuine case. The gardener, Old ‘Enery, suspects that all is not well with these policemen and he determines to investigate.
Who are the undercover police? What is really going on? And will Wilfred Berry come to regret his impulse buy?
A crime caper with a light touch. This play will provide an entertaining evening for any audience.