- Full Length Plays
IMPULSE BUY by Stewart Auty
- £8.00
- CAST: Speaking parts: 4 MALE, 3 FEMALE Non-speaking: Any number of criminal gang members, any age, male or female. SET: One interior, living room. TECHNICAL: Basic indoor lighting, some sound effects. APPROX. RUNNING TIME: I hr 30 minutes without interval. ROYALTY FEE PER PERFORMANCE: £60.00 PRICE OF KINDLE VERSION: £4 (only available through Amazon. Links below.) Amazon UK | Amazon…
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- Full Length Plays
ROBINA HOOD by Stewart Auty
- £8.00
- CAST: 30 Speaking parts, various ages, male and female, unlimited chorus. SET: Castle interior, Courtroom, Forest, Town Fair. (Achievable with backdrops etc.) TECHNICAL: Basic lighting. Music backing tracks and sound effects. APPROX. RUNNING TIME: 1 hr 45 minutes without interval. ROYALTY FEE PER PERFORMANCE: £60 PRICE OF KINDLE VERSION: £4 (only available through Amazon. Links below.) Amazon UK | Amazon…
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- Full Length Plays
A CHRISTMAS CAROL Adapted from Charles Dickens by Lynn Brittney
- £8.00
- CAST: PLEASE NOTE that one character (the Narrator) plays several parts and other parts can be doubled. 9 men/boys : (2 boys aged 8 - 12, 2 men aged 20 - 30, all the others 50+) 14 women: (3 aged 10-20, 3 aged 20-30, all the others 50+). SET: Representational. Primarily bare with furniture brought on and off. TECHNICAL: *****…
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- Full Length Plays
A CONVENIENT MURDER A Drama by David Summers
- £8.00
- CAST: 5 women (1 aged 60, 2 aged 50+, 1 aged 30-40, 1 aged 20+) 3 men (1 aged 60+, 1 aged 50+, 1 aged 20-50). SET: One set. Set plan at back of script. TECHNICAL: ** Basic lighting, between scenes music, flashing blue lights off-stage and police siren burst. APPROX. RUNNING TIME: One hour and ten minutes (without interval/s)…
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- Full Length Plays
A FETE WORSE THAN DEATH AND TWO OTHER MURDER MYSTERIES (designed for Murder Mystery supper evenings) Comedies by Jane Page
- £8.00
- CAST: A Fete Worse Than Death: 6 women (3 aged 50+, 3 aged 30-40) 4 men (all 50+) The Italian Affair: 6 women (4 aged 50+ 2 aged 30+) 4 men (all 50+) The Shooting Party: 5 women (3 aged 50+ 2 aged 30+) 6 men (5 aged 50+ 1 aged 30+) SET: All the plays have one set each…
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- Full Length Plays
ALL BALLS AND ASHES A comedy by Mark Robberts
- £8.00
- CAST: 6 men (all aged between 50 and 70) and 5 women (aged between 45 and 70). SET: One set, which adapts to several locations. Full instructions and plan are given in the script. TECHNICAL: *** A fair number of sound and lighting effects. APPROX. RUNNING TIME: 1 hour 30 minutes (without interval) ROYALTY FEE PER PERFORMANCE: £60.00 Apply Now…
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- Full Length Plays
ANNIE, ONE, TWO, THREE – a murder mystery by David Summers
- £8.00
- CAST: 7 women ( 4 aged 70+, 1 aged 50, 1 aged 40+, 1 aged 25-35) 2 men (1 aged 60, 1 aged 50). SET: The living room of the house shared by the three sisters. TECHNICAL: ** Some sound effects. APPROX. RUNNING TIME: 1 hour 30 minutes (without interval). ROYALTY FEE PER PERFORMANCE: £60.00 Apply Now PRICE OF KINDLE…
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- Full Length Plays
BUNKERED A comedy by Lynn Brittney
- £8.00
- CAST: 4 men (3 aged 60+, 1 aged 30+) and 4 women (3 aged 50+,1 aged 20+). SET: The interior of a Cold War Bunker. Instructions, an example and a plan are included in the script. TECHNICAL: **** A fair number of sound and lighting effects. APPROX. RUNNING TIME: 1 hour and 30 minutes (without interval). ROYALTY FEE PER PERFORMANCE:…
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- Full Length Plays
DISORDER IN COURT (An alternative to a pantomime) A comedy by Stewart Auty
- £8.00
- CAST: 6 women (of which all parts can be doubled) (3 aged 50+) (3 aged 15+) 4 men (4 aged 50+) 17 minimum Gender and Age Fluid (Jurors, Usher, Lawyers, Animals) Some parts can be doubled as there are different characters in Act 1 & Act 2. Dancers are optional. SET: One courtroom setting throughout. TECHNICAL: ** No tricky lighting…
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- Full Length Plays
FAIRYTALES IN THE ‘HOOD (An alternative to a pantomime) By Paul Cockcroft
- £8.00
- CAST: 15 women (of which 11 parts can be doubled) (4 aged 50+) (10 aged 15+) 11 men (All the parts can be doubled) (4 aged 50+) (7 aged 15+) 12 Gender and Age Fluid (1 Dame and at least 11 animals) Most parts can be doubled as there are different characters in Act 1 & Act 2. Woodland Creatures…
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- Full Length Plays
FEEDEM FIGHTERS A Comedy by Dorian Mode
- £8.00
- CAST: 2 women and 5 men (but some of the male parts can be doubled and 1 is off-stage anyway) All aged between 30 and 45. SET: One set. Set plan at the back of the script. TECHNICAL: **** Basic lighting, music between scenes, klaxon and red flashing lights, gunshot. APPROX. RUNNING TIME: 1 hour and thirty minutes (without interval)…
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- Full Length Plays
LATHERED UP A comedy by Lynn Brittney
- £8.00
- CAST: 10 women (6 aged 50+, 2 aged 60+, aged 30+, 1 aged 20+) and 4 Men ( 2 aged 60+, 1 aged 50+, 1 aged 40+) plus 1 woman and 1 man (off-stage voices). SET: One set. Set plan at back of script. TECHNICAL: **** Basic lighting, music between scenes, off-stage effects and recorded interviews. APPROX. RUNNING TIME: 1…
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- Full Length Plays
- £8.00
- CAST: 5 men (1 non-speaking aged 30 - 50, 1 aged 30+, the rest are 60+) 6 women (3 aged 30+ and 3 aged 60+). SET: The elegant resident's lounge of The Mount Home for Retired Theatricals. Assorted armchairs, card table, coffee table, tv etc. TECHNICAL: * Basic lighting. APPROX. RUNNING TIME: 1 hour 30 minutes (without interval). ROYALTY FEE…
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- Full Length Plays
PICKWICK PAPERS Adapted from Charles Dickens by Lynn Brittney
- £8.00
- CAST: 19 men (but many parts can be doubled up making a total of 10 men required). Ages range from 2 young boys (which can be played by women) to 2 men aged 20+ and the rest should be aged 50 - 70 (or older in the case of the Doctor and the Judge). 13 women (again some parts may…
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- Full Length Plays
REDUCE, RENDER AND SWEAT A satire by David Summers
- £8.00
- CAST: 3 men (1 aged 20+, 1 aged 50+ and 1 aged 60+) 4 women ( 1 aged 20+, 2 aged 30+, 1 aged 50+). SET: Carenza's glamorous kitchen. Half is kitchen, with worktop and cupboards, oven, and microwave (needs power to kettle and microwave but not oven). Half is small table and chairs and a small sofa. TECHNICAL: *…
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- Full Length Plays
THE HAUNTED BOOKSHOP – a thriller by Lynn Brittney
- £8.00
- CAST: 5 men (with doubling) (3 aged 50+, 1 aged 40+ 1 aged 30+) 5 women (3 aged 50+, 1 aged 40+, 1 aged 25+). SET: The interior of the bookshop and downstairs parlour (one set). TECHNICAL: *** Some sound effects and lighting. APPROX. RUNNING TIME: 1 hour and 40 minutes (without interval) ROYALTY FEE PER PERFORMANCE: £60.00 Apply NowApply…
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- Full Length Plays
THE HOME FRONT A review with sketches by Lynn Brittney
- £8.00
- CAST: CHORUS: (All substantial speaking/singing parts) Approx. 12 people (flexible but need at least 3 men) any age. SKETCHES: 2 men (1 aged 40+, 1 aged 70+) 4 women (1 aged 40+, 1 aged 70+, 2 aged 18-25). SET: Representational e.g. painted flats with wartime posters on. 2 old- fashioned radio microphones on stands; giant cut-out of radio; actors bring…
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- Full Length Plays
THE TECHNICAL REHEARSAL A comedy in 2 Acts by Alan Marshall
- £8.00
- CAST: 9 men (3 aged 40+, all the others 50+ at least) 12 women (1 teenager, 2 aged 30+, 2 aged 40+, all the rest 50+ at least). SET: Unfinished set of a pantomime. Part of it needs to be moveable (see script). TECHNICAL: *** Sound effects, blackout, front of stage lighting. APPROX. RUNNING TIME: 1 hour 45 minutes (without…
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- Full Length Plays
TREASURE ISLAND – almost a pantomime by Stewart Auty
- £8.00
- CAST: 5 men (with doubling) (mostly 50+ but can be any age really) 7 women (mostly 40+ but 1 is 20+ and 1 teenager if JIM is played by a woman.) Unlimited singing pirates of any age or gender (depending on the size of your stage!). SET: 3 minimal sets (SET PLANS are included) for the Admiral Benbow Inn, the…
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- Full Length Plays
UP THE BEANSTALK AGAIN A drama by Alan Marshall
- £8.00
- CAST: 4 men ( 1 aged 20+, 3 aged 60+) 3 women ( 1 aged early 20s, 2 aged 60+). SET: The play takes place backstage (Laurence's dressing room) and front of stage (in front of the curtains or to one side of the stage in spotlight). TECHNICAL: ** Spots, fades, blackouts, basic lighting. APPROX. RUNNING TIME: 1 hour 30…
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