Apply for a Performance License

To apply for a licence to perform one or more of our plays please complete the form below which will be sent to us automatically, once you press the SUBMIT button at the bottom of the form. We will then review your application to make sure that your performances do not clash with others locally. DO NOT SEND PAYMENT NOW. We will send a PayPal invoice to your email address once your application has been approved and you can then pay by credit card via Paypal.

GROUPS IN AUSTRALASIA AND SOUTH EAST ASIA must apply for a licence to ORIGIN THEATRICAL in Sydney. (see our home page)

    Please select which plays you wish to perform. To select more than one title, please hold down the Ctrl button on Windows or Cmd button on Mac, whilst highlighting the titles.

    I understand that an application to perform a play does not constitute a licence. A licence will be granted upon payment of the necessary fees and upon condition that no other drama group or professional company are performing the play requested in the near vicinity on the same dates as requested by my drama group.

    The Copyright Act 1988 dictates that no performance of a copyright play may be given in public, either in its entirety or in the form of excerpts, without the prior permission of the copyright owner. A failure to obtain the necessary permission is a breach of the owner's statutory rights.

    I further understand that my drama group must supply Playstage Senior with a copy of the performance programme wherein it must clearly state the correct title of the play, the name of the author and the name of the licensing company, namely Playstage Senior. No alterations, additions or deletions may be made to the text of the play without written permission from the author/Playstage Senior.

    Any alteration to the dates or number of performances must be communicated to Playstage Senior at least one week before the original dates specified in this application, and a new licence must be applied for, or a refund negotiated if extenuating circumstances occur. No refunds can be issued for performances cancelled at the last minute due to lack of audience. In the event of a natural disaster beyond my drama group's control such as flooding; power cuts; severe weather etc. an application for refund of performance fees may be considered.