Tired of not being able to find plays for older actors?


playstage senior logoPlaystage Senior plays have plenty of lead roles for actors aged 40 – 70+.
Playstage Senior was formed in the UK in 2008 by playwright Lynn Brittney and friends and now our plays have been performed by English-speaking drama groups all over the world.

Unlike other companies that offer play scripts, Playstage Senior is committed to offering new plays that contain good parts for older actors, because we understand the needs of most amateur dramatic groups! The plays contain some younger parts but the majority of the roles are for actors aged forty and beyond (sometimes way beyond) – and not a Zimmer frame in sight!

We have comedies, dramas, murder mysteries, period costume plays – all in one act and full length formats – and we are adding new plays to our catalogue all the time.

And not only that but we have some of the cheapest licence fees in the business. Performing one of our plays is not going to break the bank, no matter how small your venue.

Where you can find our plays

New for 2020 – our plays on KINDLE
Most of our full-length plays are now available to purchase and download on to KINDLE via the Amazon websites worldwide. This is particularly useful if you just want to assess the suitability of a play for your group and do not have ready access to a drama library in the UK or are one of our overseas customers. If you look on the Full-Length Plays page and the One Act Plays page on this website it will tell you which plays are available on KINDLE and give you a link to purchase. Space limits us to giving Amazon links for the UK and USA only. The Kindle versions are available worldwide but you will have to look up the play on the Amazon site in your country. At the time of writing we are beginning to convert our one act plays into Kindle format. Please be patient. We will announce when this process is completed.

In the UK and Europe

All of our plays are available in reading sets at local drama libraries in the UK. If they are not, then please let us know and we will endeavour to make sure that the library in question is fully supplied as soon as possible. Alternatively, you can buy a copy from this website. It’s cheap, it’s quick, and, if you live in most parts of the UK, we don’t charge you any postage. If you live in Europe we ask for a small contribution to postage.

Australia, New Zealand and South East Asia

If you live in this part of the world then our agents are:
ORiGiN™ Theatrical
PO Box Q1235, QVB Post Office, Sydney
NSW 1230 Australia
Ph: +61 2 8514 5211 and +61 2 8514 5201. Fx: +61 2 9299 2920

They can supply you with scripts and licences. Under our agreement with ORiGiN™, we will no longer be supplying scripts and licences to that region from the UK.

Everywhere else in the world

You can buy print-ready PDFs of Playstage Senior plays, which can be downloaded to your computer, providing you FIRST download, sign and return, as an email attachment, this Copyright Form. Once we have received this form, you can then order in the regular way, on the website, as though you were ordering the printed books. We will then match up your order with the signed Copyright Form and send you the relevant pdf/s as an email attachment. If you are not in a hurry, then just order the books in the regular way.

How to apply for a licence

Click apply for a licence to go to the application form. Fill in our application form online and submit it to us electronically. Your application will be checked against other applications, to ensure that you are not clashing with a nearby drama group, and if there is no conflict, you will receive an invoice from us requesting payment of the licence fee 30 days before your first performance date. We also give you options for methods of payment.

Professional performances and foreign translation rights

Any company or publisher interested in the above should contact Playstage Senior by using the contact form on this website. All fees and sales of rights are subject to negotiation.